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Tištěná kniha

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Bez hodnocení

Tištěná kniha - brožovaná

rok vydání 2016



451 Kč

Běžná cena 456 Kč

Ušetříte 5 Kč



O knize

The New York Times bestselling author and geopolitical forecaster George Friedman (The Next 100 Years, The Next Decade) offers an engrossing portrait of modern-day Europe, with an accessible take on its remarkable history and a thoughtful examination of the political, cultural, and geographical flashpoints where...
The New York Times bestselling author and geopolitical forecaster George Friedman (The Next 100 Years, The Next Decade) offers an engrossing portrait of modern-day Europe, with an accessible take on its remarkable history and a thoughtful examination of the political, cultural, and geographical flashpoints where conflict is smoldering...
The New York Times bestselling author and geopolitical forecaster George Friedman (The Next 100 Years, The Next Decade) offers an engrossing portrait of modern-day Europe, with an accessible take on its remarkable history and a thoughtful examination of the political, cultural, and geographical flashpoints where conflict is smoldering once again.

Více od autora:

George Friedman

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