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Tištěná kniha

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Tištěná kniha - brožovaná

rok vydání 2017



369 Kč

Běžná cena 373 Kč

Ušetříte 4 Kč



O knize

"The world's greatest naturalist" (Jeffrey Sachs) proposes a plan to save Earth's imperiled biosphere. Edward O. Wilson proposes that the only solution to our impending "Sixth Extinction" is to increase the area of natural reserves to half the surface of the earth. A resounding conclusion to the best-selling trilogy...
"The world's greatest naturalist" (Jeffrey Sachs) proposes a plan to save Earth's imperiled biosphere. Edward O. Wilson proposes that the only solution to our impending "Sixth Extinction" is to increase the area of natural reserves to half the surface of the earth. A resounding conclusion to the best-selling trilogy begun by THE SOCIAL...
"The world's greatest naturalist" (Jeffrey Sachs) proposes a plan to save Earth's imperiled biosphere. Edward O. Wilson proposes that the only solution to our impending "Sixth Extinction" is to increase the area of natural reserves to half the surface of the earth. A resounding conclusion to the best-selling trilogy begun by THE SOCIAL CONQUEST OF EARTH and THE MEANING OF HUMAN EXISTENCE.

Více od autora:

Edward O. Wilson

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