
Tištěná kniha

88 % (427 Hodnocení)


88 % (427 Hodnocení)

Tištěná kniha - brožovaná

rok vydání 2010



315 Kč

Běžná cena 318 Kč

Ušetříte 3 Kč



O knize

"The Chicago Tribune" calls "this follow-up (to "The Relic" is) every bit as good and in some ways better. Preston and Child carry off this sequel with great energy and panache . . . their portrait of the underground dwellers lifts this thriller into a category all its own". "This should do for the New York Subway...
"The Chicago Tribune" calls "this follow-up (to "The Relic" is) every bit as good and in some ways better. Preston and Child carry off this sequel with great energy and panache . . . their portrait of the underground dwellers lifts this thriller into a category all its own". "This should do for the New York Subway system what "Jaws" did...
"The Chicago Tribune" calls "this follow-up (to "The Relic" is) every bit as good and in some ways better. Preston and Child carry off this sequel with great energy and panache . . . their portrait of the underground dwellers lifts this thriller into a category all its own". "This should do for the New York Subway system what "Jaws" did for Long Island beaches". says "Booklist".

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