
The Heartstopper Collection Volumes 1-3

The Heartstopper Collection Volumes 1-3
Tištěná kniha Doprava zdarma

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The Heartstopper Collection Volumes 1-3

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Tištěná kniha - vázaná s laminovaným potahem

rok vydání 2022



1 149 Kč

Běžná cena 1 161 Kč

Ušetříte 12 Kč



O knize

Charlie and Nick have never met ... until one day when they're made to sit together. Soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance. But love works in surprising ways, and soon Nick is discovering all kinds of things about his friends, his family ... and himself. This collection...
Charlie and Nick have never met ... until one day when they're made to sit together. Soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance. But love works in surprising ways, and soon Nick is discovering all kinds of things about his friends, his family ... and himself. This collection contains the first...
Charlie and Nick have never met ... until one day when they're made to sit together. Soon Charlie is falling hard for Nick, even though he doesn't think he has a chance. But love works in surprising ways, and soon Nick is discovering all kinds of things about his friends, his family ... and himself. This collection contains the first three volumes in Heartstopper, which is now an acclaimed live-action Netflix series.

Více od autora:

Alice Oseman

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